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guinea pig separation

21 13:47:28


I have had 3 female guinea pigs for about 3 years now. They get along very well. My sister wants to take one of them to college with her for a few months. This particular guinea pig is very spunky and independent. She tends not to follow the alpha and do her own thing. I know she will get tons of attention when she's on her own, but at the same time, she will be in a cage by herself.  So I have 2 questions- do you think it will be ok for her to be separated from the "herd" for a few months given lots of attention? and also, how will it be when we re-introduce her back? Will they all remember each other or do we have to go through the whole initiation process again?

Thanks so much for your help!

Although cavies are herding animals they can live happily by themselves as well. Especially if they're going to get lots of human attention in their new environment. It will give your sister a connection with home and on those days when you're feeling blue from being away from family, having something warm and cuddly is good medicine.

As for reintroducing them that's not something you'll know until the time comes. Most sows do the push and shove thing when a new cage mate comes in, and being gone for awhile will make her be considered 'new' again.  

Your sister is lucky that she has a pet she can take with her. Animals are always great medicine and stress relievers when you're studying hard and feeling low. What a good sister you are to let her take the pig with her. It's a way for her to keep a part of you with her as well.