Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Hopping


21 13:42:23

 I have a long haired guinea pig(is there a name for this type??) and for awhile now.. She'll drink or eat something, stand there and then just jump up!!  Or hop up!!  I'll be on the computer and suddenly I'll see out of the corner of my eye, Cuddles jumping.  In one place.. sometimes she'll do it a couple of times in one spot after another..  She was doing this before I went into hospital for 3 months and still does it.  Not every minute , just on the spur..  She's good with me altho I did have to get her to remember me but she's a good little thing..
Is this the norm??  My daughter also had a guinea pig but she never jumped or hopped!!  When Cuddles hears my bedroom door open or the fridge??  She starts squealing as loud as she can!!

To answer your first question, yes there is a name for longhaired pigs. Actually there are several breeds of longhairs. There is Peruvian, Coronet, Silkie and Texel. Those are just in the US. In Europe there are several more breeds of longhaired pigs. There are subtle differences in the hair type and they are distinctly different breeds, each genetically different from the other.

As for the hopping, what you are seeing is called 'popcorning' and is a sign of pure glee. Usually the youngster do it often but adults will do so as well.  They suddenly for no reason leap straight up like a kernnel of corn being popped, hence the name.

It means life is good and she is feeling happy, happy, happy.  They often look as though they're going to turn around in mid air, twitching and jerking as they go. It's fun to watch and is a sign of good health and happiness. It can be compared to puppies who will tuck their butts down and run in circles. So enjoy it, it's a good thing.

If you're interested in looking up the different breeds and coat types you can go to the American Cavy Breeders Assoc. and look up each breed. There are a total of 13 breeds. Some of them appear to be the same but the coat type is called Satin and has an exceptional sheen to it.  

It sounds as though Cuddles knows you as the food lady, which is why she squeals when she hears you go to the fridge. She knows something good is coming her way.

Hope this helps you.