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Killer Cavy

21 13:39:30

Hi :)
My neighbour came over earlier and told us that two of her pigs had been killed by the one left in the cage.
Pig 1) Fur completely stripped one side of her body and flattened (as if she had been jumping on the body)

Pig 2) I think stripped of fur as well. One side of her face was completely missing. My dad came back and said "you cant even tell which side is which anymore"

As far as I'm aware there are no injuries on the pig that's done this. I feel there probably is as the 2 of them wouldn't of gone down without a fight.

My friend told me she had noticed her barbering the two of them before Christmas. It wasn't very bad as ne of my previous pigs had barbered so much worse than what was on these two.
The "Killer Pig" had been bloated up and separated 3 almost 4 weeks before hand. The bloating was from brussels sprouts, all of them had a small amount of bloating but she was.. id say possibly 3x the size she is normally.

I know quite a lot of stuff but I have never heard of something like this happening. I've heard they cannibalise their pups but I know it's very uncommon for it to happen.

Anything you think could've caused he to do this or any other possibilities as to why this happened would be great


Typically three sows living together may bicker now and then but this was a savage attack. My first instinct is that the attacker was ravaged with pain and literally out of her mind in agony. It's not exactly accurate that a new sow will cannibalize her pups.          Sometimes if a baby is stillborn the mom tries so frantically to stimulate her dead baby she mutilates it in a futile and sad attempt to revive it.  This attack is out of the norm and I truly think there was a cause related to pain.   

It also causes me to wonder if she may have a severe mite infestation which may have started the barbering. Mites left untreated can become systemic and once in the brain tissues cause the poor creature to go insane and become violent.   

I'm so sorry you had to witness something so horrific. I hope this helps in some way.