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guinea pig cold?

21 14:10:41

i was holding my guinea pig today & i noticed that it's right nostril was running and it seemed like she had to try harder to breathe out of that side of her nose. it also seemed like she was shivering as if she might be cold. it's 67 degrees in my house so i don't think temperature is an issue, but i think she might have a cold or something.  what could be wrong if anything???

Hi Lindsey.  Guinea pigs can easily get respiratory infections and it does sound like your piggy has a little cold there.  It's important to keep her warm, dry and in a draught-free place, so ensure her cage is indoors while she's off weather, and she may like the warmth from a well covered hot water bottle.  Ensure the cage's bedding is always clean and dry, as damp, soiled bedding can affect a guinea pig's chest and breathing.  To help with the congestion you can dab a tiny amount of vicks vapour rub onto the nostrils, the chin and front paws. Olbas oil is also safe to use.   If you are quite concerned about it, it is usually best to get antibiotics from the vet to treat the infection, but i let nature take it's course first with the aid of home remedies.  I hope this helps.