Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Is my guinea pig dying?

Is my guinea pig dying?

21 14:10:54

My guinea pig has mucos around her eyes, she's not eating, she feels a little lighter and she's not moving as much/at all. Whats wrong with him. Just so you know, I am only a kid so I can't give you much info. The only ifon I can give you is that she is brown and female. We are in a tight buget but if she needs vet treatment I'll try and get it. Please help and thank you.

Hi Jordan

I am sorry to hear your piggy is sick.

The symptoms she is displaying is a very general sign of ill health so I am afraid he does need to see a vet asap so he can diagnose what the problem is. I am in the same position regarding money but without being able to examine your pig myself, I can only recommend you get someone qualified to do this.

Good luck
