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Guinea Pigs

21 14:40:27

My nine year old daughter is driving me crazy for a live pet. We have a sensitive security system so anything that walks about at night is out of the question. A pet that can be kept in a cage seems plausible. I really think she would like to cuddle and handle the pet so I'm wondering if a Guinea pig or hampster would be a good choice. What is your advice and what are the pros and cons?

J.T. --

Well, I may be a little biased, but I personally would recommend a guinea pig over a hampster any day.  Hampsters are usually much more "testy" and bite more frequently than guinea pigs.  However, when you are selecting a guinea pig, be sure to select one with a more quiet personality.  I also recommend selecting a male animal, because females have hormonal issues and tend to be a bit moodier.

The only negative thing about owning a guinea pig versus a hampster is that guinea pigs take up a lot more space and tend to be noisier.  Guinea pigs have a whole variety of vocalizations, whereas hampsters don't make any sounds.  Also, keep in mind that guinea pigs lean towards being nocturnal, so they tend to make noise at night, just as much as during the day, so they should not be kept in a bedroom (this is also good for air quality.)

I hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me.  Good luck!
