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washing guinea pigs and thier play pens

21 14:33:40

do you have to wash a guinea pig? is it optional? do you have to buy any special equipment? also should they have a play pen, how big should it be, what should it definitly have in it?- thanks, Dante Gray

Hello Dante,

Bathing piggies is generally only necessary if they get dirty. Many give their pigs baths around once every 6 months just to give the skin a good massage and clean and to give the coat a little more shine.

You just need a sink, a pair of hands, a towel and some guinea pig shampoo to bath a guinea. Don't go with human or shampoo aimed at anything other than guinea pigs and small animals and human, horse, dog, cat shampoos are all too harsh on delicate piggy skin.

Make sure the pig is 100% dry before you take him outside or into a cool or drafty room - many pigs have fallen ill as a result of being returned to their hutch outdoors while wet/damp. Just give your pig a long cuddle and rub him gently with the towel and that should absorb most of the moisture. Then just let him run around for a bit until he dries off completely.

You only really need an enclosure/playpen if:

*You have other animals around your piggies while they are out exercising;
*If they go outdoors on the grass;
*If you cannot piggy-proof a room, or if you can't have pigs free-ranging a room for whatever reason.

The enclosure should be considerably larger than their cage. Aim for a whole room if you can - be sure to cover/move all electric cables and block gaps under furniture etc. each time the pigs come out though, for their safety.  

Generally most runs are around 6 square feet (3ft x 2ft) or bigger, so just go as big as you can. The bigger the playpen, the more fun and exercise can be had!

You should have hidey houses in the playpen, and any other toys you find they enjoy. If they will be in the enclosure for a considerable amount of time (i.e. more than half an hour) also provide some hay. Oh, and always have fresh water available to them.

Best Wishes,

- Laura