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pregnet guinea pigs company

21 14:13:34

Hi,I have a mum guinea pig this is her 2 pregenancy and I seprated the boys and put the other girls eith the pregnet guinea pig the girls are only the daughter and ganddaughter and they get a long fine.But i wanted to ask should I seprate the to girls from the pregnet guinea pig? or when the pregnet guinea pig is giving birth?.from kathleen

Hi kathleen,
You don't have to separate the guinea pigs from the pregnant mom unless you see her biting them or it seem like they are really getting on her nerves and stressing her out!
When she is giving birth you can leave them in there, as long as it is a big cage and the mom has enough room for some privacy!
My pregnant sow just had her pups, so it has been a hectic day! :)
Good Luck!