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scared guinea pigs

21 13:49:55

I have 3 male guinea pigs of different ages (less than 2 years)who are scared of me. The oldest is on his own in a cage he isn't very scared but the other 2 are scared, there in a big cage with a little shelter inside on a table in a shed the problem is I can't reach them so the biggest has hardly ever touched me and the youngest hasn't at all there to SCARED.

Unless you are in the south of france or your shed is heated I dont think a cage is enough, a hutch would e better. The only cure for scaredness is more time spent with them, the longer they spend with you the more they will grow to realise that you are not going to eat them. The quickest way to get them to trust you is through floor time, the more floor time you spend with them (preferably in a pen) the more they learn to trust you. Guinea pigs are very skittish and they will to a point always seem scared, this is just in their nature.