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pregnant sow and babies

21 14:44:29

My pregnant female is living with a neutered male at the moment but we can feel the guinea pigs moving so i don't think the birth will be long. Should I seperate them? When should I put them together? Will they need reintroducing? Can he live with the babies? Please help if you can.
Thanks katie.

Hello Katie

You could leave the male in there or put him back shortly after the pups are born but then they would mate and you'd ahve pups on the way in another two months also back to back pregnancys are hard on the female. More then likly he will try to mount the pups so I wouldnt put them together. Male and female guinea pigs get along very well so they will live happily together when introduced again, after the pups are weaned (four weeks) wait at lest two months before puting the male back in with the female because prenancys that are too close together are hard on the female as I have already mentioned.

I hope this helps if you have any more questons feel free to ask.