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My daughter wants the class guinea pig

21 14:34:46

I have a 2nd grade daughter who would love to be in a drawing for the class pet, Angel, a 2 yo guinea pig.

I don't think it's a good idea but would like some feedback.

We have 2 dogs, I think she's too young to take care of it, I'm not fond of them.  Mostly, I'm concerned that the dogs will get at her, and the only way to secure her is to keep the guinea pig in her room.  Then I am worried that her room will smell.

I really don't like being the mom that says NO all the time.  I'd like some feedback re: my concerns.  


Hi April,

Guinea pigs require a lot of time and dedication. Angel is only 2 years old, which is still young for a guinea. She could live to be 8 or even 10 years old, so you are in it for the long haul if you do decide to take Angel in.

You are right to be concerned over this issue. As a parent, it is your ultimate responsibility to look after that guinea pig. That piggy needs someone who they can rely on 100%.
An adult has to be the primary carer of the piggy, an adult needs to do all the research and provide the correct care. That adult can then determine how involved the child should become with the care of the guinea pig.
Since you are not keen on guinea pigs this will become a problem.

I have two dogs in the house alongside my four guinea pigs. I have a safety gate on the room my piggies are in so the dogs cannot access that room. This is secure enough to keep the guineas completely safe.

As the only option you seem to have is in your daughters room - a place which is not advised for guinea pigs to be kept for various reasons - I would try and tell your daughter that guinea pigs have to be very safe in a place where they get to see lots of people, and they need lots and lots of care, which can be very hard work and very boring after a few months. Guinea pigs are dear, rewarding creatures, but not without a lot of care and dedication.

I hope your daughter understands.

Guineas are very special animals, but really aren't the best for young children. They need to be kept in pairs or more, and can be very expensive to keep. They need a much bigger cage than most people realise, they need lots of hay, high quality dry feed and lots of fresh vegetables, plenty of toys...the price soon begins to add up.

Oh and before I forget, cavies don't really smell - it's a common misconception. As long as the cage is cleaned on a regular basis - as a guide aim to spot clean (scoop out all very wet and soiled areas) daily, and aim for a full cage clean every 3 days - there will be very little smell, or none at all.

I hope I could help.

Best Wishes,

- Laura