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An eye infection :[

21 14:07:52

One of my guinea pigs has recently gotten an eye infection, I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow to get eye drops, however I was wondering if I should separate him from my other guinea pig who is healthy.

Hi Autumn,

Ask the vet about this tomorrow. Whether or not you should separate them will depend on how contagious the infection is. Vets often advise owners to isolate sick piggies, but guinea pigs are very social and are used to snuggling up with their companions. To take this pleasure away from a piggy who is under the weather and wants to snuggle more seems cruel. It may be that your other piggy has already caught the infection if it is contagious; so take him along too as they may both need treatment. If your sick piggy's infection is bacterial or caused by an injury, it will be fine to leave your piggies together.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

If you have any other questions ... just ask!
