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Limp on one side

21 14:24:27


When i went to my pigs hutch yesterday afternoon and my 4 year old guinea pig was huddled into a corner. I picked her up gently and placed her on top of the hutch. Her head was slanted to rightside and there was a small glitch in her right eye. She was able to walk but a little unsteady. I had a look on the net and found it could have been a stroke. In the morning she was able to walk a lot more steadier. She has got a good appetite, when i came brought her some veg's she pointed her nose into the air sniffing. I see nothing wrong with her appettite,smell, or eye sight and she is in no pain at all. Can you please give me some advice on what to do? tyvm

Hello Brett,

Is she still having slight walking issues and her head tilted? Anytime there is a head tilt, the first thought is a possible ear infection. It would effect her ablity to walk as well and that would improve as she got used to her tilty head. If it's an ear infection and it's left untreated, the tilt could become permanant. A stroke is also a possiblity, but her ears should still be checked since that you can fix. If it does turn out t be a stroke, the vet should be able to tell you what can be done to prevent more. I would say try not to stress her and make her life as relaxing as possible. If it's a stroke, she may improve and be fine, or she may stay just as she is it depends on the severity of it and on her will. The first step is to have a vet check her out and make sure her ears are ok. If they aren't, he should give you meds and instruction on how to treat her. If it isn't her ears or a different illness, and it is a stroke, she will either heal in time and be normal or she will stay as she is. It sounds like she is adjusting well and should be just fine. If her head is tilted, she will adjust to the new way she sees things and she will behave so normally, you wouldn't know anything was wrong. Good luck with her.
