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21 14:12:24

I also rescue guinea pigs but am still working closely with a vet on some stuff.  I have a new one that has lived with me for a couple of months she has a good appetite and active but just drinks allot of water everyday do you think i should be worried.


Sorry for just now getting back to you with a reply, internet has not been working and I've been working overtime at work.

I wouldn't worry about all the water she is drinking unless you also notice some of these things also with her, if you do notice them take her to see an experienced Guinea Pig vet for she may have diabetes and only really experienced Guinea Pig vets can catch it and treat it. Here are some of the other things to watch for,

Warning symptoms of diabetes in Guinea Pigs

The most common symptoms noticed by guinea pig owners are:

     rapid formation of cataracts

     chronic wet bottom

     frequent urinary tract infections (UTI)

Other symptoms may include:

     excessive thirst

     excessive urination

     weight loss in spite of healthy appetite

Note that an individual guinea pig may only display one or two of the warning signs.  If you notice any of these symptoms, have the piggie checked by a vet.

I wouldn't worry to much about all the water she is drinking as Guinea Pig adults drink any where from 4 to 6 fluid oz of water daily. But if she is drinking more then that do have her seen by a vet and checked for diabetes, which is fairly common in Guinea Pigs.

I hope this helps,
  Take care,