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My Guinea Pig Is Sick:( He Want Eat!

21 13:43:51

I have a boy guinea pig. He's a very spunky, hipper, little guy. I feed him carrots for 2-3 days straight with a little celery cause he had ran out of food. Now he want eat or drink. I took him to the vet today. They really didn't know what it was. They cleaned him out, and game him two shots. Fluids and a B12 shot. He's drinking a little bit more now. He has only ate 2-3 pieces of his hay though. That was his favorite he used to eat it and beg for more. He's not as active as he normally is. He does move around, throw his head up, and ever once in awhile run around his cage. I don't know what to do with him. I need help before this gets too bad.

Celery is not a good food replacement for guinea pigs. It's too fibrous and they don't digest it well. It has little nutritional value, so he may be suffering from a bit of malnutrition from not having a balanced diet for two or three days.

I would recommend you get some Critical Care. It's like Ensure for animals and is made for animals who are not eating well but need those nutrients to keep their bodies going. Malnutrition often causes the kidneys to go into failure, so the Critical Care may help him to replenish the organs that have been stressed by not being able to keep up with his needs.

Not eating or drinking is a very serious sign or trouble, so please don't wait any longer to start him on what he needs.