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guinea pig attack

21 14:04:01

Hello I have 2 guineas (girls 5 years old) fat one recently showing signs of bullying the thiner one.  last week on skinny one noticed a bump on rump under fur. yesterday the fur on area gone to a scab.  Today pus. I have sweezed the pus all I could, seperated them off and put savlon on injury. can I wash her in watered down TCP to help with healing process?  she is still eating well thanx

Hi Julia,

Is she actually skinny as in underweight, or just a smaller pig? If she has lost weight, you will need to take her to a vet, as it means she's not very well and her wound is probably connected to the illness.

If she is just a smaller pig and you suspect it's a bite mark, it will be best to simply wash the wound in salt water as otherwise the larger pig will lick the TCP which won't be good for her!

If the bullying ever leads to a fight where blood is drawn, you may need to separate the girls on a permanent basis.

Best wishes,