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day old pigletts

21 14:20:11

my guinea pig sadie just gave birth yesterday and i didnt even know she was pregnant. What happened was my friend had to piggies that she thought were both boys but it turned out the one she gave me was female and pregnant with her brothers babies. my question is how do i take care of babies, when can i touch then and how long should i wait to clean their cage? I'm at a lost i have never had babies before.

First of all they need to be checked out by a vet ssince they are inbred. You should handle them as soon as possible, and as often as you do your other piggies because it is important to get them used to humans while they are young. You need to wait at least one week to clean the cage for the first time, and after that, whenever it needs it. Babies do not need your help at all except for you to handle them. The mother takes care of them and soon they will nibble on real food.The babies stay with mommy for 3 weeks.  At this time, mommy, baby girls, and baby boys should be separated from each other. The baby boys are sexually mature at age 3weeks, so they are able to get mommy or sissy pregnant, so separation is important. They should stay in your care for another 3-4 weeks before finding a home. Though babies take a while to try vegies, you should attept it after they are 1 week old. Good luck. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks!