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A Grieving Guinea

21 14:34:16

I have owned two guineas pigs-Flash and Vegeta-since they were babies, and have had them for over two years now. They were bought together, so have only ever lived with each other. Yesterday morning I found Vegeta dead in the middle of the run, with the Flash sitting right next to her "crying". It definitly seemed like Flash knew what was going on. Since I took Vegeta out, Flash has been very quiet, only eating a little (which is noticeable, as she is normally quite greedy), and hiding in the hay-where as she will normally run around greeting me when I go out to see them. We had a wicked frost last night, and I am worried that with the cold and her feeling alone, that I will also lose her. I have plans of bringing her a new friend, but how soon can I introduce another female to her? What can I do to keep her happy in the mean time?  

Hi Holly,

I'm sorry you lost Vegeta. Guinea pigs do grieve their friends when they lose them; it is common for the appetite to decrease and for them to become depressed and lethargic. Give her lots of cuddles, a few extra veggies and just be there for her.

For Flash's sake I would adopt another piggy (from a rescue or shelter is the most highly recommended) as soon as you feel ready. It will be the best thing for her - she needs company again, and often piggies are much more open to new friends when they have suffered the loss of a much loved buddy.
Be sure to introduce them in neutral ground and fully clean and disinfect all hideys, toys, food bowls, water bottles and of course the cage itself before you put them in a cage together. Expect lots of dominance acts - rumblestrutting (rumbling and butt swaying), nipping,chasing, mounting, butt-sniffing, holding heads high etc.

Is there no way you can bring Holly indoors, and keep her and her friends indoors for good? She can still play outdoors in a secure enclosure when it's not cold or wet, but it is a lot better all around if guinea pigs are kept indoors.

Best Wishes,

- Laura