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guinea pig poop is small

21 14:22:01

I have had a guinea pig for about a week. She is really young and developed a cold, sneezing and runny nose. I took her to the vet, got antibiotic and bene-bac and the cold seems to be getting better. She is eating regularly if I hand feed her and I also am giving her water by hand. She doesn't move around too much, not sure if she is scared or traumatized from the vet visit or not. She is eating lots of timothy hay. Her eyes are alert, not watery, and she makes the average amount of noise, purring when petted etc.... My only problem now is her poop is really small. My question is, am I headed for trouble because of her small poop, should I be more concerned. Is she getting enough water? Is small poop a sign of dehydration? The poop is a good consistency, not watery, not to hard or dry, just smaller than her usual poop.
What can I do?

It may be smaller due to the antibiotics she's on but the benebac should help.  As long as it's of normal consistency she's probably okay.  Is she eating any of it like she normally would to get the second round of nutrients out?  If it continues for a couple days, you may want to give the vet a call as it could simply be a side effect of the medication.

Good luck and let me know if I can be of any more help,