Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > eye concerns

eye concerns

21 14:27:36

We have had a male guinea pig about 3 months old for a little over a week now. He exhibits normal behavior and is very affectionate...we have fallen in love with him! When I first got him, we were concerned with a "wheezing" sound we heard and felt in his tummy. It almost sounded like a "Poof!" We took him to the vet and she said he appeared ok and showed no signs of respiratory problems. (no sleep in eyes or nose, etc...) She gave us an antiobiotic to give him just in case. It appears to have helped the frequency of the sounds but I do still hear them on occasion.

But just now we noticed while holding him that his left eye appears to have swollen lids and the lids are a whitish color. While holding him, the eye will close slightly almost as if he is sleeping while the right eye remains open. When it does close, it appears watery but nothing comes out. Could this be due to a resp. problem in connection with the "poofing" sound we hear in his tummy? Or could he just be sleepy or even have a blind eye?  Please advise.

Hello Heidi,

Congratulations on your new piggy. You may want to have him checked for heart disease. Noisy breathing a droopy eyelids are both symptoms of it. I have a link to a post on a forum that covers heart disease symptoms and treatments. There's quite a bit and I'm afraid I may leave something out so I'll let you read it for yourself. Hopefully this is not the problem, but confirming it or ruling it out would be my first step as that sounds most likely. Good luck and I hope he gets back to normal soon.
