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2 male guinea pigs fun

21 14:19:02

hello i am barb and i have one male guinea pig allready but i was wondering if i put another male in the same cage would they get along or would they fight? I was also wondering how can i have my guinea pig have a little more fun? also what can i do for him to trust me more because he wont come out of his cage without scurring.

thank you  

Hello Barb,

Whether or not they will fight depends on individual piggies. Getting another piggies is a good idea because piggies thrive with social interaction with their own kind. If they do fight though they may make better neighbors than cagemates. That way they will get their needed social interaction without harming each other. If you need advice on how to introduce them, feel free to contact me again and I'll be glad to help. Ok, is he scurring away once he's out, running away so you can't catch him to get him out, or scrambling while you are getting him out? If he's running so you can get him out, try bringing a small treat with you everytime you come into the room and coax him to come to you and take the treat. Eventually he'll run to the side when you come in the room. If he's scrambling when he's picked up, the only thing you can really do is find ways to making him more secure about being lifted. Try putting him into a box or basket and lift him out with that. That way he doesn't feel so much like he might fall. If he's running off once he's out, try teaching him to come when he's called. You can teach him to come by calling his name (or using a different command word) with a treat in your hand. First place him a very short distance from you and call him while waving the treat. Slowly increase the distance as he begins to understand. Soon, he should start coming when he's called. Teaching him things like "come" and other tricks will help to build your relationship and is a wonderful way for you to enjoy your time together. There are also a variety of toys that Guinea Pigs love to play with. Kitty jingle balls, stuffed animals, wooden chew toys, pillows, large tunnels (large pieces of PVC pipe are great), and blankets are often among the favorites. Good  luck with your piggy. I'm sure you two will be the best of friends and having lots of fun together soon.
