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Potentially Pregnant Piggy.

21 14:19:04

I got my first guinea pig on March 12, 2007.  When i first got her there was no sign of pregnancy...then exactly a week later I picked her up and noticed she had nipples now.  So I immediately thought okay she is pregnant, because I know that this is what happen when other animals are pregnant, their nipples "pink up".  So i called the store I got her from and I explained that I think they may have sold me a pregnant guinea pig.  I asked if I needed to make any changes in her diet, and I also asked if the nipples were a sign that she is pregnant.  The man at the store was less than helpful.  He said I needed to make no changes and there is no way to tell if she is pregnant so I just have to wait it out.  Well I found this site (which has been amazing in helping me) and sure enough...I read that I need to give her more vitamin c and a bit more food.  I also have read numerous posts about signs of pregnancy, my piggy is eating&drinking more.  However she so far doesn't seem to have a problem with me touching her tummy.  I have been feeding her more foods high in vitamin c as well as everything else listed on the site.  She is gaining weight, I'm not sure if piggies gain weight when there are pregnant. So my two questions are:

1-Are their nipples always out or is that a sign that there are pregnant?

2-Do guinea pigs gain weight throughout pregnancy?

I apologize for the long post I felt I needed to explain the whole situation.  Thank you for your help though and I hope to hear from you soon.

Courtney&Winnie the guinea.

Hi Courtney,

    It may indeed be very difficult to determine whether or not your guinea pig is pregnant for the first time.  Swelling of the mammary glands, or nipples, is a definite indication that she may be pregnant.  Also, keep an eye out for irritability, slight swelling of the abdomen, and an increased appetite.

    She will gain weight throughout the pregnancy, and you must make sure she has the healthiest pregnancy possible because her needs are increased.  Daily vitamins are imperative, so I suggest giving her a couple lettuce leaves and carrots every day as well as vitamin supplemental drops (from a local pet store) in her food and water.  Also ensure that she gets daily exercise in an enclosed area and daily attention.

    Thank you for your question, I hope I have been of some help to you.  If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Good luck with your guinea pig (=

                                                - Nicole