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separating boys and girls

21 14:44:01

I have 2 female guinea pigs that are about a year old and have had them since they were babies.  I just took in a five year old male for someone who couldn't care for him anymore.  I built the cage for the girls myself and it is quite large.  When I got my male, he was in a rather tiny cage, so I built him another cage that attaches on to the girls cage.  Before I got his cage built, I set him in the smaller cage beside the big one.  He didn't seem to take much notice of the girls.  Now, in his new cage, he is doing what I think is called rumble strutting.  But one of my females is walking back and forth and kind of wiggling her bum towards him.  The other female isn't.  Is this normal courting behaviour?  Will they calm down when they get used to eachother?  And how long before I can take them all out to play together?  I really don't want baby guinea pigs, so should I just not let them play together?  Thanks for any help you can give me.

If you do not want cavies, which at your sows age will kill them because it will be impossible to deliver the babies, then either keep them apart at all times, or have the boar neutered.

Your one sow that is rumble strutting is in heat and is acting perfectly normal.