Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my baby guinea pigs are sick (its very important)

my baby guinea pigs are sick (its very important)

21 14:05:00

i need to know what wrong with my baby guinea pigs, i had 5 and now I've only got 2, one is dying, the one dying, isn't eating,he's very skinny and bony. i give my guinea pigs lettuce, celery, carrots and all that. i give enough for all of them and i spread it out so they can all reach it. they always have water, clean water. but they have just finished feeding off their mum, would be her milk if there trying to get some? please help me!!!! quickly

Hi Shannon

This has Happened to me before toand like you, i was worried sick!
But then i noticed something
this can occur due to these reasons
Diet Are you feeding them pellets and fresh hay if not start now
Also take the sick one out and put it in its own clean cage by itself
Then Take the other one out and clean the cage that it is in now and then put hay and pellets in, no vegetables Yet.
After 1 day put a small amount of mixed vegetables in
Also What age did you take them from there mum?

Hope this has helped if you have any more questions ask
Pleases read this as quickly as possible and take action now before the other one gets sick to

PS. Have you wormed them if not you may need to
Go to your Local petshop and buy guineapig Wormer or small animal wormer and follow the instructions on the bottle

Good Luck