Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > telling that my guinea pig is pregnent

telling that my guinea pig is pregnent

21 14:39:56

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Question -
we think my guineapig is pregnent about 3 weeks pregnent and she has 2 medium bumps either side should she be pregnent and can you tell at this stage?

Answer -
Hi Amy

Signs of pregnancy include weight gain, the mother may start drinking more water, and you may be able to feel movement of the babies in the later stages (day 42). It sounds like your piggy is pregnant, but you will know soon enough!

But can you tell that she is pregnent at 3 weeks?

Hi again Amy

You can't tell for sure, but the lumps are a good indication. If you weigh her week by week and there is weight gain, this is also a good indication. Also if she drinks a lot more water.

Otherwise, its just a matter of wait and see.
