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signs of guinea pig pregnancy?

21 14:04:46

We have a 2& 1/2 year old female guinea pig who was pregnant when we purchased her from a pet store about two years ago. She had a litter of four, three boys.
(& one that died at birth, so we don't know the gender.)
We gave away two of the boys & kept one.
about a month ago, they were playing outside,
& somehow got into the same enclosure together.
We don't know how long they were together, or if they mated or not, but she is feeling a little bit "fuller" in the tummy area. But, I can't feel any obvious little babies, or feel them moving. (but I know I won't be able to feel them moving for maybe another 2-3 weeks or so)
Because she lives outside, we aren't really noticing if she's eating more or not... But she seems to be a little more tired than usual. My question is, would we be able to feel the shapes of the babies inside her by this time?
And, besides eating & sleeping more, what other signs are there? Like, if we put their cages next to each other, would he be purring like he usually does? And if he didn't, would that mean anything?(or something like that.)



Hi Maria

Yes by this time you should feel very small lumps that are that are the babies But if not in about another 2 weeks time you should be able to tell if she is or not.

There is not many more sighn other than that apart from
Her nipples will swell in about week 5-8
Also the female usualy would not allow the male to mate with her again

I am a bit concerned for the female if it is her son that has got her pregnant then the babies are at high risk of being deformed

Other than that things should work out ok

If you have any more questions as the pregnancy follows on then please ask me
And also tell me how the babies do after she has them or if she has them

All the best Maria
