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FFA pig for School

21 13:49:21

My daughter bought a pig for a project at school (FFA). We noticed him limping, his right thing knee is swollen. We cannot afford a vet. Is there something we can do to make the swelling go do and make him feel more comfortable? Teacher said it's from him walking on concrete all day and to walk him in the dirt but, he's getting worse.

As soon as I read that "Teacher said it's from him walking on concrete all day and to walk him in the dirt but, he's getting worse" my first thought is that you're on the wrong site.  This site is for guinea pigs, not swine. But since you've gone to the trouble to ask I will address it.

I don't understand why you would be keeping an FFA pig on concrete. I am quite familiar with FFA animals and it sounds as though you actually don't have the right setting for a swine project. I'm not sure that the concrete would be causing this kind of injury. If the pig is in a concrete lined pen he's most likely doing what most swine do all day and that's laying down sleeping. I keep asking myself why he would be "walking all day?"

Whatever the cause of this swelling I'm not sure it's just from the concrete. Whatever the cause you need to consider this: The purpose of FFA is to teach good animal husbandry and the first lesson is responsibility. This pig is your responsibility and if you are unable to properly care for it then perhaps you might want to reconsider whether you're in a position to participate in a swine project.  Something less demanding and easier to house might work better, like fowl.

Whatever the cause this animal is in pain and may be suffering. Forgive me if I sound harse. Part of assuming the responsibility of an FFA animal is being totally committed to its care.  He needs the expertise of a swine vet, not a website.