Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > A different sound that a pig makes!!!!!!

A different sound that a pig makes!!!!!!

21 14:29:53

Hi Laura,
 Ummm....My pig is a female long haired guinea pig. My mother woke me up this morining because she heard my guinea pig....with a coughing kind of sound!!!!....I thought maybe she had something in her throat because when we put her food in her bowl she squeeled! But the weird thing is...that u can still here the squeel. Laura please I've already lost one guinea pig because of the vets killing her...but please help me with this one she's I think 6 maybe! so please help me!:_(

Hi Josh,

It sounds normal. All guinea pigs cough from time to time, much like humans do when they get a bit of food in their throats. It's a similar thing and nothing to worry about if she appears okay in all other ways.

She maybe squealed when you put food in her bowl because she was hungry. If she emptied it before you filled it then she was simply happy and she knew that she was getting more food. Be sure she has unlimited hay 24-7, as hay is very important to their digestion and teeth. They need it always available to them, just like water; most people underestimate the importance of it.
Also be sure she gets some good fresh veggies daily.

Take a look at my website - - for a full guide on looking after piggies. Take special note of the feeding page and the social page - it should maybe help you understand why she is squealing.

I hope I could help.

Best Wishes,

- Laura