Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > anotherpiggie


21 14:22:02

I have a female guinea pig and would like to get another one. Are 2 guinea pigs twice the work? What if they don't like eachother? Should I get another food bowl? Help me, I am very confused.

Hello Krystel,

No, 2 Guinea Pigs really aren't twice the work. Get a young female (4-7 weeks old) and they'll most likely be just fine together. If they don't get along, they'll have to be separated, but if you get a young pup, thy really should be just fine. You should have 2 of everything (food dishes, water bottles, hideys). Guinea Pigs aren't great about sharing and having 2 of each thing will ensure that neither ever has to do without and will help eliminate bickering over stuff.
