Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Withered Paw

Withered Paw

21 14:06:02

Hi, we have just purchased 2 female guinea pigs from the pet shop, both 10 weeks
old. The larger of the 2 has 3 pink/cream legs, and one black leg. The paw on the
black leg seems slightly withered, and though she does use it to run on, and
generally seems happy and healthy, we wondered if there was anything we should
do? The claws on this foot don't seem to 'splay' out like the other feet. Many thanks,

It sounds to me that she may have either been born with a limp paw, or something happened to her when she was younger that made her paw like that.

There is really nothing you can do, if she is using it to walk and run on, I wouldn't worry about it.  It is probably something she was born with, and that she learned to live with.

It's like buying a disabled pet.  They adapt to their disability and learn to cope with it.  If it is not affecting her life in any way, I wouldn't worry about it.

If you feel like it is not just something she was born with, and that she is seriously injured, I would call a veterinarian.  But it doesn't sound like, to me anyways, that she is injured in any way.