Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Lice


21 14:12:31

I was wondering about my 3 and a half year old guinea pig who has lice, we're trying to do something other than shots because of the expense. The lice are recurring and we are kind of stumped on what to do. We're hoping that you can help us.
Also, earlier today my guinea pig started crying a kind of creamy white liquid, while we we're looking at the lice and discussing what to do. We are desperately looking for something to do and please help us if you can!

The Hallborg's

Hi Nikki,

Ok this may sound like the weirdest thing ever, but you can treat the lice with Advantage.

Advantage (imidacloprid) is apparently a very safe and effective treatment for cavy lice. Treat by weight and apply topically at 10 mg/pound of body weight (the concentration is 91 mgs/ml, or about 0.1cc/pound [0.24cc/kg]).

One application lasts for 30 days, unless it is washed off with a detergent shampoo. Advantage can be used on pregnant cavies and newly weaned young. Advantage is given no expiration date as it remains stable for at least five years from the date of purchase. Accept no substitutes. Other flea treatments are NOT the same and can be deadly for your cavy.

Remember, all parasites can, of course, be easily passed from one guinea pig to another in pet stores. If one of your guinea pigs has mites or lice, they must all be treated and their living quarters cleaned thoroughly. Since some parasites can live for several days off the host many parasite eggs remain viable for a long time, cleaning and disinfecting the living area is extremely important.

I hope this helps and it is a lot cheaper then shots.
Take care now and let me know how your Guinea Pig is doing.