Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > WHY???


21 14:35:32

my gp is constantly (only while i hold him mind you) checking his penis it seems, he has no mate or any gp friends. is this normal behavior?

My first question is when your guinea pig checks his penis, is he sticking his head between his legs? Does it look like he is doubling over to do it? If he is, it may likely be coprophagia. This is the act of eating one feces (poop). A lot of times, you don't even see the poop, they do it so fast. Sometimes though, you're "fortunate" to run across a half eaten turd. This is perfectly normal! Under no circumstances if you catch your guinea pig doing this, should you stop him. Your guinea pig re-eats his already digested food to get the vitamins and nuitrients his body couldn't break down the first time. It's disgusting yes, but vital for him to live. A guinea pig's digestive track is set up a little bit differently from ours. We're omnivores (traditionally speaking) meaning we eat both meat and vegetables/fruit. The guinea pig eats only fruits and vegetables and no meat, so he's an herbivore. His digestive system has a harder time breaking down the vitmains he needs the first time around, so he has to re-digest them. Our body can digest meat, so a stalk of celery or a carrot is nothing to us. This is one possible answer I have. Another is, did you just recently get your guinea pig? He could just be  checking you out, and trying to figure out who or what you are . Another possibility, is that your guinea pig could be nervous or may be trying to get away from you to use the bathroom. When he does this, try sitting him back in his cage for a few moments, and then taking him out again. He could need to use the bathroom, and may not want to do it on you. Another thing, is guinea pigs are born explorers. Do you give him floor time? He may want to run around. Just make sure you put up all power cords, or unplug them, and move anything you don't want chewed on, especially plants, if you have any. I hope this helps you, and if you want anything clarified, please feel free to write back to me. (I am honestly guessing the first thing I said since it's so common). What ever it is he is doing, I can assure you it isn't serious or life threatening. Sometimes animals, like humans, just have strange quirks. I wish you and your pig the best of luck, and many healthy, happy years together. :)