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grass cuttings

21 14:16:15

i was just wondering if its okay for guinea-pigs to eat grass cuttings, because my guinea-pig milkiey, and his 3 friends were put in the back of my car allnight with grass cuttings and hay because it was too rainy for them to stay out side in there run. but today when i went to check they were all allright i realised milkiey was acting a bit different and he keeps putting his head down and not moving much and doen't like me to touch his belly. they all out side now in there run, apart from milkiey who is inside with me.


Hi Emma,

It sounds like Milkiey may be a little bloated from to much grass cuttings. Grass cuttings are fine for Guinea Pigs to eat as long as the grass is untreated with weed killers and such. Guinea Pigs can get bloated from eating to much grass clippings. Try giving him some Infant Gas Relief Drops (Simethicone). That'll help relieve some of the pain from the bloat. Try giving him some romaine lettuce dipped in mineral oil, it'll help a lot if you can get him to eat it. If he doesn't start acting more normal in a day, take him down to the vet and have him looked at as he may need to be treated by a vet.

I hope this helps and that Milkiey starts feeling better.
          Take care now,