Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > preganacy (2 months old)

preganacy (2 months old)

21 14:10:04

QUESTION: my guinea pig is sneezing a little and shes pregnant she only sneezes sometimes and sometimes dosent sneeze is that an issue for the babies and her health i dont really have a ride to go to the vet .. my parents argue with me that its nothing but i wana go is that bad ..

another question i have is that how can i help during the pregnancy is there a way for me to know definitly that shes pregnant ..b/c i cant feel the babies ..but shes heavy and eats a lot its bin 3 weeks and i cant feel the babies i can see a little of the oval shaped in her belly is that a problem if i cant really feel them

ANSWER: It is not unusual to not feel the babies moving around.  In some guinea pigs, you may not feel the babies until about a week before delivery.  If you are not sure if she is pregnant, I would wait a little while and by her being so young, it will be unmistakable.  If you want to take your guinea pig to the vet you should take her.  You know your guinea pig better than anyone so if you feel as though you should, go for it without a doubt.  The sneezing sound is something that concerns me, they are very tricky animals and I never take chances with them.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: another thing is that since I have been asking for a lot so they wont take me but i beg and i beg .. i dont know what to do i waS thinking of  gettin a job but they wont let me. could i do anything to help my guinea pig

I would give her some oranges.  Oranges have a great amount of vitamin C and can generally help minor colds.  This is the best that you can do.  The vet would be able to prescribe medicine that is suitable for a pregnant guinea pig.  This medicine can only be given with a prescription.  The oranges should do the trick for the sneezing as it is probably a mild cold.