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Guinea Pig Grooming

21 14:42:04

1-can G.P. get a bath?if so, using what soap...
2-is there a better way to control the odor, I'm changing wood chips ever 4 days (drinks alot of water)
Wouldn't mind other info on diet, his diet now is
basic G.P. food.

Thank You! for your time

Sorry for the delay in response.  All Experts was having a problem with a time out each time I tried to send my answers.  So I had to wait until the problem was fixed in order to get back to you.

Yes they can have baths but not often.  You do not want to dry their skin and so long as you keep their cage cleaned they will pretty much keep themselves cleaned.  Other than changing the type of bedding you are using, there is really not much more you can do about the oder.  I do however take cedar and place it in a little bowl or small bag (left open) near the cage and it does a good job of masking the oders.  As for the diet, a basic diet along with fresh fruits and veggies are wonderful.  Lettuce isn't so good for them because it contains to much water.