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GP lice, not eating as much

21 14:11:24

I have a 2yo GP named Mort. We recently found that he had bugs and so took him to vet (on sat). The vet said they were lice, suggested we wash him with Pyrethrin shampoo and then dip him with Pyrethrin dip. I followed all instructions and he was quite upset with me for a day and then acted fine.
My question is that since Saturday he hasnt eaten as much of his food or drank as much water as usual. He doesnt act lethargic and is eating timothy hay & his fave grapes as usual. He is talking to me again but usually he goes through lots of food & water. I am really worried because he is doing this thing where it seems like he is trying to poop and hunches over and seems like he is straining. He is pooping, and it looks pretty normal. I am not sure what to think about it.

Hi Suzanne

In terms of the pooping, I would suggest you take a close look under his rump and make sure there is no poop stuck in his anus which sometimes happens with adult males.

In terms of his eating I would suggest you weigh him each day to make sure he isnt losing weight as a result of this. Other than that I think its a case of giving him time to become in a better mood after his "ordeal".
