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Pregnant pig

21 13:48:19

I bought a guinea pig from a pet store and was told it was a baby boy. Well after two months it appears this baby boar is quite pregnant. Is it dangerous for her to have a litter at this young age. When I got her I was told she was about five weeks old. She was very small. I don't want anything to happen to her and I don't know what to do. Is there anything special I need to watch out for. Will she be able to deliver babies at her age?

This is unfortunately a story we hear all the time. Most people who work in a pet store have no clue how to sex babies. Some don't even know how to sex the older ones. Babies get put together without knowing which is which. They end up with older pigs and this is the end result.

The good news is that she will be able to have her babies just fine. Nature has provided for this kind of thing and although it's not recommended to breed weanling sows, it happens. The amazing thing is they not only deliver a normal litter, but they often have more than just one baby in spite of their small size. Pregnancy doesn't stunt their growth either.

So don't worry about her. You will come home to a pair of new eyes you didn't see when you left the house. Mom will take care of everything and they will be okay. The normal gestation is ten weeks, give or take a few days. You will feel the pups move about two weeks before delivery.  Try to avoid handling her too much at that stage. She will be uncomfortable and would rather be left alone.

You don't need to do anything different in the way of food.  Just do whatever you've been doing. Keep her cage clean and plenty of food and water available.  And keep your camera ready. Guinea pig babies are the cutest things you ever saw.