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Sick baby piggy

21 14:35:23

Hi Andy,
I have a new little one I bought just over a week ago. I got Marshmellow at Petco and also bought the other little piggy that was in the store with her at the time. I love guinea pigs and have owned several. This piggy, however, is challenging my knowledge. The day after I brought Marshmellow home (later I found out that was the same day she arrived at the store)I noticed she was sneezing and had some crusties on her eyes so I took her back to Petco and they had a vet look at her. All they told me was that she seemed fine but needed to eat lots of vitamin C. Question 1: I cannot get the piggys to eat oranges. What else can I give them to ensure they will eat their vitamin C?
Question 2: Marshmellow has soft droppings. They're not quite as runny as full blown diarrhea, but they are definitely softer than they should be. I noticed that she still has a scab from her umbillicle cord, meaning she is quite young. The other piggy does not. Do you think that all of her problems are just because she is so tiny? Perhaps because she is not use to eating solid food? I am giving her the same type of food they had in the store and she has plenty of timothy hay (which she loves)and fresh water. They will not eat fresh fruits and veggies. Do you have any suggestions? I am using Carefresh Bedding and I put some pet fluff I bought at Petco in their house so it would be even softer. Thanks for your help! OH and ps, the other piggy sneezes too, maybe even more than Marshmellow.  

Hi Mandy

1) You can get drops to add to the drinking water that gives the pigs vitamin c. There are also other veggies that have it in other than oranges. The pet store were probably right that she needs plenty of vitamin c, but it sounds like they were trying to fob you off.

2) The soft droppings are more than likely due to the stress of being moved twice in quick succession. However, diarrhea, as you know, can be serious in piggies so I would monitor the situation and get advice from a vet if you are worried.

It sounds to me that marshmellow might be too young to be sold based on your information.

As it is unusual for piggies not to eat fresh veggies, a quick check-up by a vet might put your mind at rest and will be quite inexpensive.

Good luck
