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Baby Runt

21 14:37:50

Hello Kristen,

  My guinea pig Sweetie Pie had 3 babies on April 20th when she was 11 months old. She got pregnant from what I thought was another girl who I had gotten as a friend for S. Pie in December. I wasn't able to give away the father (Pumpkin) until 4 weeks later. I gave away one of the boys when he was 6 weeks and the other when he was 8 weeks. I'm keeping the girl (Ellie). I noticed at the end of May that Sweetie Pie was looking pregnant again! So through out June I noticed her getting bigger and bigger then the first time I thought she might be pregnant. I assumed she would get pregnant since I kept Pumpkin with her for so long.

 I keep the guinea pigs in a cage in my backyard. My dad built the cage, it's very nice. About 2 feet off the ground and it's about 5ft by 3ft, with the same type of roofing for a house. Yesterday morning my mom woke me and my friend up saying "Sweetie Pie had 5 babies and they're so cute! Wake up!" So we ran outside and I unlocked the cage and there weren't 5 babies--there was 6. They are all so incredibly cute and a much different variety then the 1st set of babies.

Except one of them is skinny, and small (3 inches when the others are about 4 inches), a little runt. At first he could barely walk but he seemed to improve throughout the day. I gave him some soymilk mixed with water in a spoon and he licked up some. I was suprised at how the babies weren't scared of my hands, since Sweetie Pie's first babies had been very scared (and much larger then these 6). Well I would like as many tips and advice you can give me as to take care of this little baby. Also since there is so many, how can I make sure that they're all getting fed, including the little one. What other things can I give the baby runt to feed him? Also I'm worried about how big they'll all get when they're 5 weeks old and ready to leave--the cage will be crowded!

Well please give me as much advice as you can.

Thanks a Bunch,


Hey Arielle, well first congratulations!!!! Ok,let me tell you every guinea pig I have ever ownned was a runt and they make the best Gp's!!! I think you need to take the Runt to the vet if you have one and ask them to do a checkup and also to find out the things you can feed them. Or go to a local pet store. I am not sure what you can feed a runt but make sure it does eat. They will get big and they will have to move to another cage. I am sure of this, and they will need another cage, Sorry I couldn't help more!!!