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Sick Cavy pleeaasee help

21 14:28:36

I have a 3 month old cavy named thumper. She just recently started showing some serious symptoms. she stopped eating pretty much and seems to be limping. She also used to make noise the minute i walked into the house and now i havent heard her make a noise in almost 2 weeks . she has lost a lot of weight and her teeth seem to sound like a grinding when she moves her jaw. Ive been giving her pedialite for about 4 days now. Ive also noticed that she had quite a bit of diahrea. Please help me i cant afford a vet. Whats wrong with her and what can i do to help?

Hi Shannon,

I really can't suggest anything much if you are unable to get to a vet. A vet is the only person who can really diagnose and treat your piggie safely.

Pedialyte I *think* is good to give each day. I'm not 100% sure on that though - it's something a vet needs to determine.
Syringe some water into her every 4 hours, and blend some veggies and add water until it will go through the syringe. Feed her this veggie blend every 4 hours too. She needs the nutritional aspect as much as the water.

The only other thing I am able to suggest to is to look over Guinea Lynx-

Sorry I am unable to help further.

Best Wishes,

- Laura