Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > shes bleeding

shes bleeding

21 14:44:54

i have two boy and one girl who have cages next to each other.  none are altered or have been bred before.  i noticed once that the female was bleeding in her pee.  it was a daluted red that looked like it was mixed in with her pee.  i was unsure what to think so i asked my family and they suggested that she might be in heat so i looked it up on the internet and it said that they are in heat for 16 days but said nothing about bleeding. she is acting like normal but i am not sure if i should be concerned or not. it has been a week since i first noticed her bleeding and she is still bleeding.
please right back soon

Guinea pigs are in heat all year it only depends on the boy and if he is aggressive. Most males wait until the 15-17 days that she comes into a state where she will allow him to mate with her.
 Your female can possably be pregnant and bleeding is sometimes an o.k thing ,BUT if she is deffinatly not them I would call the vet and see what he or she thinks that you should do!
  Sometimes they can get little peroids but they are very tiny.
Please call your vet and make and oppointment!

I hope all goes well :)