Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My guinea pig has a cold? :,(

My guinea pig has a cold? :,(

21 13:46:39

I got a guinea pig about a month ago after my frog died, his name is Bertuzzi. He's not very old, I can't remember how old he is. But just recently my mom an I have noticed his breathing is almost like he has a bad cold, and he sneezes and coughs a lot. We're currently putting relief From upper respiratory symptoms under his nose but i don't know if this will work. Is there anything that I can do at home that doesn't involve me taking him to the vet? I don't want to, and if I have to I'd buy a new one but I don't want to do that. Also, I have a second guinea pig in the same cage as well. And I heard him coughing this morning, should I keep them in the same cage? Please and thank you, help me! :,(

Guinea pigs are prone to upper respiratory infections. Its like they have a cold. Unfortunately human cold meds don't work.  Just keep the nasal passages clean and

Put them in a warmer environment and feed foods high in Vitamin C.  Piggies do not
process Vitamin C very well so it always needs to be added to their diet as fruits
and veggies. I will think more on this issue and get back to you!

Good Luck, Cindy