Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Guinea pig bare patch

Guinea pig bare patch

21 14:12:57

QUESTION: "We have had our Guinea pigs for 3 weeks (our very fist pets - We bought them from a pet shop.  When we held our guinea pig today we noticed a round patch (2 cm in diameter) on the side of its neck about 3cm away from her ear as it looked around.  It is an abysinian? (I think) variety. The patch is not flaky, nor is it red at all and looks like new growth is starting and is not noticible when we put the guinea pig back in its hutch  We are of course concerned that it may be ring worm and the fact that we have handled our pet and the ring worm tranferring to our daughters.   Hoping you may be able to shed light on our concern "


Based on your description I would hazard a guess that the problem may be mites. This is treated with ivermectin from the vets. If it turns out to be ringworm, which is possible but not likely in my opinion, the treatment is usually the same.

Neither of these conditions can be passed to humans.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Andy,  Thank you for responding so quickly - I thought that you could catch ringworm from an animal.  Anyway what is ivermectin and how do I give it to our guinea pig?  Also do I have to give it to Matilda as well- That's our other guinea pig who doesn't seem affected?

Hi again

Ivermectin is a drug, usually given by injection in 3 doses, 1 week apart that can only be given by the vet.

I suggest you take both pigs so the vet can compare the two and if I am right and the problem is mites, he will probably suggest that both pigs get treated.

Of course, mites might not be the problem, but it usually is for skin conditions.
