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Fun and games

21 14:40:31

My nieces are getting a new guinea pig as a present.  It's their first pet, and I am trying to find some fun things that they can do with their new pet.  Fun, games, homeade treats, anything of that nature. Thank you for your help,


Hi Jess

I recently got my two piggies a little plastic igloo to hide in and they adore it. They love running in and out of tubes, nibbling anything, and your nieces will have great fun letting him out for a scamper and then trying to catch him!

I should advise you that guinea pigs are better in pairs, so that is something to bear in mind.

Homemade treats such as shredded wheat are good, but you can let your imagination run wild. Just devise anything without much sugar, plenty of veggies and away you go!
