Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > what breed is my guinea pig?

what breed is my guinea pig?

21 14:19:48

Hi, i have a female guinea pig and I'm not sure what breed she is i thought she was a Himalayan but when i saw Himalayan guinea pigs on the Internet they had smoother coats. My guinea pig has light cream fur and brown fur on her nose and ears. If she had brown fur on her feet as well I might of known. Her fur is slightly rough too. What breed is she???!!!  


She is most likely an American Guinea Pig. They look almost like a Himalayan. There is no real way for me to be sure with out having seen her, but you can look up Guinea Pig breeds on the internet and see which one she fits. Like I said though she could be an American Guinea Pig or English Guinea Pig same breed different name.
But you may want to try looking up different breeds on the web and look at the pictures and descriptions of the breeds that way you can be sure of what breed she is.
Take care now and sorry I couldn't give you a for sure answer.