Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Does it matter if I take my guinea pig outside?

Does it matter if I take my guinea pig outside?

21 14:22:29

  I have had my guinea pig a little over a year. Last week I started taking him and the other guinea I have outside, and putting their cages under my gazebo during the daylight hours. Then I would bring them in before it got dark. This morning I woke up and my guinea pig was dead. I don't know what could of caused it, and my little girl is so upset. Do you think taking him outside could of made him sick?  

Hi Ann,

    While a guinea pig is outside, he is vulnerable to heat stroke and parasites.  These could be two causes for his death.  However - although it is unusual - guinea pigs may die for no apparent reason.  I once left two guinea pigs of different with a friend while I was on vacation, and they died mysteriously on the same day.

    Make sure that the sun is not shining directly on your piggies when you put them outside.  Also be sure that they have vegetables, water, and guinea pig pellets.

    Thank you for your question, I hope I have been of some help to you.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Good luck with your guinea pigs.

                                               - Nicole