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guinea pig with wart

21 14:03:56

I have a TSW Absynnian boar who is a senior. Something has shown up above his left eye and it appears to be a lump/wart type thing. It is a grayish hard felt bump. It doesn't seem to bother him but I am wondering what it is and how it can be fixed.

Hi Jamielyn,

I've never had eye problems with any of my guinea pigs but I had an OAP with a wart in his ear. The best thing to do will be to take him to a small animal or exotic pet vet to make sure it isn't cancerous. If it is, they probably won't treat him as he's too old to withstand the stress, but they will let you know how much it will bother him. With my boy, they gave me some drops which shrank the wart - it was hard at first to get him to keep still, but he seemed to realise in time that it was helping him, so he behaved.

Good luck and if you need anything else, just ask.
