Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > very ill Guniea pig

very ill Guniea pig

21 14:40:33


I have a four year old female guinea pig who was in excellant health until 4 days ago.  Tinker became very quiet and withdrawn, stopped eating and drinking her water.  Her eyes are nearly shut and she hardly makes a murmer.  I took her to the vets, they gave her an antibiotic injections along with a injection of a vitiamin.
I have vitiman fluid to inject into her mouth with a syringe.  She seems to be deteriorating fast, will not eat, very skinny and just wants to hide in her den and hardly opens her eyes.

I am keeping her warm and trying to entice her with food such as dandylion leaves, lettuce, cabbage, bamboo leaves, hay but she is not interested at all. Tinker would always drink a lot of water through the day, but this has even stopped.

The pigs live in the house through winter and are litter trained.  Please is there any thing else I can do to help her recover. My little girl is breaking my heart to see her so ill.... I miss her annoying me and running round my feet.

Thank you for taking the time to read this e mail.

kind regards


Rachel --

Well, since you have had this animal to the vet, did he say what he thought was the problem?  If so, I would go by what he said.  If not, what I would do first is isolate this animal from any other guinea pigs you have.  There are certain guinea pig diseases which are very contagious, and until she is healthy, I would not recommend having her around your other animals.  

Please let me know what the vet has said, and I will do some more research, as well, about what this problem could be.

Good luck!
