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Down side to Guinea Pigs

21 14:47:01

I'm considering geting a Guinea Pig as a pet and it seems that everything I keep reading on them is all positive or just mandatory pet care. Is there anything that isnt so great about them that I should be aware of so that I wont be surprized if get one?

Hi Ashley,
I think its great that you want to know the negative sides to piggie ownership too. Thinking of the bad about them is a whole lot harder than the good! :)

1. They are messy. Your floor WILL get full of hay and bedding, no matter how careful you are and how often you clean. Sometimes their droppings get thrown out of the cage by pigs who zoom around, scattering the bedding. During floor time they will most definatly have accidents that you have to clean up.

2. Depending on cage size, you'll have to clean it every 3-7 days or so. I don't mind cage cleaning, it will become a habit eventually but still it is something you have to do that isn't all that fun.

3. You'll be alot more tied down. Guinea pigs can be left overnight and probalby even 2 days- but I wouldn't chance it more than that. So if you are going somewhere, even if for only a few days, you have to find someone to care for them.

4. They will be LOUD. I like the noise usually but on a Saturday morning at 7AM being woken by persistent squeaks because they want thier breakfast isn't always so endearing.

5. Money. They aren't nearly as expensive as dogs or cats but do require you to spend money nonetheless. In adition to the initial costs there are vet visits which should be done yearly and of course when the pig is sick, hay, bedding, pellet food, fresh food, treats, toys, etc. It does add up.

6. They are very loyal and affectionate, but don't expect them to act like a dog or something like that. (still for a rodent they are VERY smart and affectionate, and remember people for a long time- I've been gone over a month and my pigs were thrilled to see me againw hen I came back)

7. Like any other animal they need love and attention to be fun. A pig who lives in a small cage without much contact with its people is boring, even if its well cared for otherwise. In a big cage where they have room to play, at 2 hours or so of attention a day, and they will be happy, smart, fun creatures. Really, if you aren't going to spend lots of time with your pigs there isn't much point in having them because they don't "shine" so to speak. Then they are the boring, fat animals some people say pigs are.

This is hard! I'm sure there are things I'm not thinking of now that aren't so good about guinea pigs, but I cna't think of them now. Something I think you should consider is getting two of them. They are MUCH more happy. I've had a single pig who was very happy. But when I got him his friend he was overjoyed and is happier and a better pet than he was before. There isn't much more work with two pigs, and it doens't cost much more either. Two boars do get along fine (usually) as do two sows (ususally).
If you haven't allready seen the page I suggest that you do. Its fantastic. Way bigger than most pet store cages and also lots cheaper.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask :)
