Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my poor Sunny...

my poor Sunny...

21 14:17:30

Hello my poor guinea pig Sunny is sick he is a 2 and a half year old white crested pig. he needs an operation on his teeth so i need to feed him some food that i can give him through a syringe. any idea's? his operation is in two weeks and i need to feed him soft food. i cant let him die and if i don't do this he will starve before he gets the operation. I have been giving him V8 juice and he loves it but its juice i want to fell him up more. thank you,

The best thing to do is to put a mixture of his dry food, favourite vegetable and a bit of water through the blender and syringe it into his mouth.

Please dont worry too much, if you syringe feed him you will be able to keep his strength up. If you need any other help with sunny for the next 2 weeks, you know where t find me, I log on here several times most days.
